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Involving urban school children in the process of helping their underprivileged counterparts can lead to some truly amazing experiences. DPS Mathura Students Visit to Aashram in Virndavan on 14 November was a helping drive to Share social responsibility and development.

What is education all about? To make our children understand life. As someone said, “Tell me and I’ll forget, show me and I may remember, involve me and I’ll understand.” This is a simple narration of some simple ways kids are getting involved to understand the challenges of the world they are going to inherit. With the ongoing teaching - Learning process , A Visit to Prem garh Orphanage, left a huge smile over the Faces of Unpreveledged by Singing and dancing and eating and playing together... shows how Teachers and Students established an everlasting learning experience for the recipient children, and maybe more so for the contributing school children. In the process, these kids also learn some important life lessons around compassion, empathy, and the joy of giving.

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